WTS Forms Strategic Alliance with AT&T and HBCU's
Atlanta, GA September 8, 2017 – Water Transit Solutions (WTS) announced today that Melvin Forbes, its new President and CEO, has wasted no time utilizing his experience and relationships with corporations and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU’s) to continue the development of tools, techniques, talent and products to service the vast issues that plague our water infrastructure.
Forbes said “It is no secret that our country's infrastructure is over 100 years old and has served us well, but like anything, time brings about wear and tear and change becomes inevitable. The last two presidential administrations recognized that Flint, Michigan brought to light many known but seldom talked about issues with the country's water systems.”
Mr. Forbes’ past experience in telecommunications with MCI allowed him to view the water issues with a different set of eyes and lens, thus aligning the WTS model with educational institutions and AT&T. “These relationships have proven to be invaluable. This collaboration will strengthen the upcoming WTS showcase of new futuristic and extraordinary products and services for issues affecting water.”
Forbes indicated that while currently working with AT&T and HBCU’s, other telecom/technology companies and universities have asked to participate in additional phases of the WTS strategies moving forward.
According to Forbes, a major announcement from WTS will be taking place soon. He would only give a teaser, BC²=MG coming soon.
About Water Transit Solutions
Water Transit Solutions (www.watertransitsolutions.com) is an Atlanta-based company that has developed a method of providing clean, fresh water to homes and businesses utilizing bulk delivery.
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